Girls Who Code

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Girls Who Code is an international nonprofit working to close the gender gap in technology and leading the movement to inspire, educate, and equip students who identify as girls or non-binary with the computing skills needed to pursue 21st-century opportunities. They've reached 500,000 students through their in-person and virtual programming. They have 115,000 of our college-aged alumni majoring in computer science at a rate 15 times the national average!

They offer free and flexible computer science programs for 3rd-12th grade students to learn how to make a positive impact on the world through computer science.

  • Girls Who Code Clubs (In-person or Virtual!): They provide educators with free resources, 120+ hours of customizable plug-and-play curricula, inspiring women in tech spotlights, community-building activities, and comprehensive support and training to help 3-5th and 6-12th graders be brave and resilient as they use code to change the world. NO coding experience is needed to host your Club!

  • Girls Who Code at Home Activities: They release free downloadable computer science activities for students, educators, and parents bi-weekly -- some online and some offline, of varying difficulty levels.

  • Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program: Their free virtual 2-week program is for 9-11th grade girls and non-binary students to gain the computer science skills they need to impact their community while getting an inside look into tech through their top company partners. They even provide need-based $300 stipends for students who qualify to help cover living costs and tech needs!


Start a Girls Who Code Club - Change Your Community

Girls Who Code is an organization that values diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential to our mission.
— GWC Statement

Local Contact

Kibret Yebetit

Senior Manager of Community Partnerships and Outreach - Girls Who Code

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