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Giving My Students Hands-On STEM Experience and Inspiring the Next Generation of Workers

By Kathy Biernat

Recently, the middle school boys at Notre Dame School of Milwaukee participated in the Day of STEM Program sponsored by STEM Forward. As part of the Day of STEM program, we participated in an “Hour of Code,” which takes place each year during Computer Science Education. It is a global campaign to celebrate and expand STEM learning opportunities for students, with more than 200,000 educators participating. Learn more at As part of the commitment to advancing Milwaukee as a region for technology, business, and talent development, STEM Forward arranged for a volunteer from Badger Mutual Insurance Company to lead the students through a variety of STEM activities virtually via Zoom.

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Brian Wochele, a Systems Analyst, worked with the 6th, 7th and 8th-grade boys throughout the day. In addition to describing his work at Badger Mutual Insurance Company, Brian described his career path and the multitudes of job opportunities that involve Information Technology (IT) and STEM careers. The boys also had the opportunity to experiment with an engaging activity in which they could program an interactive model of our Solar System. This was a great hands-on activity to enhance their recent learning on our Solar System and match the Next Generation Science Standards.

I enjoyed helping the students with their coding project. Programming is a great way to build problem-solving skills which are important in every career. I loved how many of the students took the project to the next level and showcased their creativity. It’s important to introduce coding at this age and let the students know it’s a career option regardless of their future education plans. It’s a non-traditional career path which can be a stepping stone to positions across a company. It also gives the means to work in any industry a student is interested in.
— Brian Wochele, Systems Analyst at Badger Mutual Insurance Company

How did it go?

It didn’t always work the way we expected it to, which allowed the students to see real-time what it is like to be an engineer - someone who is constantly problem solving, being creative, and thinking outside the box. The students asked lots of questions about what courses they should take in high school, what types of companies hire IT professionals, and what it is like to be in the IT field. This opportunity introduced students to some of the IT career possibilities available here in Milwaukee and gave them a taste of what it is like to code. This was fun, engaging, and a wonderful way to spend the day!

When we were coding it was fun to actually make the characters say stuff and customize them or even make our own story. It’s a really fun way to code and inspires creativity!
— Jose, 6th grader at Notre Dame School of Milwaukee

I encourage you to consider volunteering your time to participate in a Day of STEM and help inspire the next generation of works. To get involved, visit

It is important for students to have the opportunity to create with technology - not just read about it or use it!

Posted on January 13, 2021 by Maureen Haeger. Communications & Program Manager