Why You Should Attend the sySTEMnow Conference in Milwaukee

By Maureen Haeger

It is hard to believe, but the 20th Annual sySTEMnow Conference is rapidly approaching! We are so excited about the conference this year and this year’s theme – Breaking STEM Barriers and Inspiring Talent Together!

I recently had the opportunity to connect with our two keynote speakers and get a glimpse of this year’s keynote presentations. If you are unfamiliar with the sySTEMnow Conference, this annual conference is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and engage in meaningful discussions with experts in the field and like-minded colleagues. Two keynote speakers with multiple breakout sessions make this fantastic conference a timely forum for STEM issues and ideas, exchanging best practices from existing STEM programs, developing, promoting, and implementing education workforce partnerships, and providing networking opportunities. Anyone is welcome, but this conference is geared towards STEM stakeholders, including educators, business leaders, and other influential STEM advocates. Learn more at https://www.stemforward.org/systemnow-conference.

What does hip-hop music have to do with engineering? Well, a lot, according to Maynard Okereke, better known as the Hip Hop MD, who graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Civil Engineering; however, his passion for science and entertainment and his curiosity for innovations have taken him through an incredible life journey.

Noticing a lack of minority involvement in STEM, he created Hip Hop Science to encourage minorities and youth to pursue more advanced career paths. His background in engineering, acting, music, business, and credible work in STEM make him uniquely qualified to engage on various topics from an entertaining perspective.

When asked how Maynard became a “science communicator,” he said he has learned from many different experiences throughout his career. He noted that he was always curious about what he was pursuing. Maynard stated, “Curiosity has made me successful and led me down many pathways.” He realized he could combine his passions to create his dream job.

How do we spark curiosity in kids? Maynard argues that kids are naturally curious, so we don’t need to spark their curiosity but instead maintain it! Kids are innately curious, yet they are drained once they face obstacles and barriers in their lives. If we work together to remove these obstacles, kids will flourish. You won’t want to miss Maynard speaking on Curiosity is Nature’s Ph.D.: Empowering the Next Generation of STEM Leaders as our afternoon keynote presentation.

We need to give them the message that there are no limits and no wrong answers and then encourage them when they are curious. It is up to us to remove those barriers and keep the doors of opportunity open!
— Maynard Okereke, Hip Hop Science

I also spoke with our morning keynote speaker, Thea Sahr, the Deputy Executive Director for DiscoverE, who leads a coalition dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of engineers, technicians, and technologists and engaging K-12 students in engineering and tech. If you aren’t familiar with DiscoverE, it is the backbone organization behind Engineers Week™, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day™, Chats with Change Makers, World Engineering Day, and the Future City Competition™. STEM Forward is the proud host of the Wisconsin Regional Future City Competition. To learn more about Future City, visit https://www.stemforward.org/future-city-competition.

When asked about the sySTEMnow Conference 2023 theme, Breaking STEM Barriers and Inspiring Talent Together, Thea replied, “We need to relay the message that Engineering is open to everyone. There are a lot of barriers that we need to break down to make sure it is open to all. Barriers will only come down if we work together and collaborate. Otherwise, we will only keep spinning our wheels if we keep inspiring but don’t break down the barriers.’

How do we break down barriers? Thea mentioned we need to name the barrier, talk about it, and then collaborate to figure out how to break it down. To get students excited about a career in STEM, we have to align STEM activities with students’ interests. This is accomplished by doing hands-on activities and introducing them to STEM professionals so they can have real-life experiences. Thea also said, “Once is not enough! And kids need authentic projects.” At the sySTEMnow Conference, Thea will share DiscoverE’s research on this topic, so come listen to her presentation on Messages Matter: Breaking Through the Next Generation as the morning keynote for our 20th Annual sySTEMnow Conference. Don’t delay; register today since it closes on October 25, 2023.

Still not convinced you should attend? Check out this conference agenda to better understand the schedule and breakout options. From Exploring Artificial Intelligence to learning about Youth Apprenticeship: Unlocking at Talent Pipeline, each attendee picks three breakout sessions to attend during registration. View details on the breakout sessions and speakers here. We hope you will join us on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee, WI. Learn more and register at https://www.stemforward.org/systemnow-conference.

Posted October 2023 by Maureen Haeger. Communications & Program Manager.